The analysis of the situation in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary

Nearly all productive activity involves work by teams of competing and collaborating individuals, each with their own personalities, motivations and skills. The effectiveness and efficiency of the team is an emergent property of the dynamics that develop within the team in a continuous cycle of “forming - storming- norming and performing”.
Effective team leaders manage these dynamics in ways that help the team to meet its objectives. As well as technical skills related to their area of business, they thus require competencies in “people management”, resource management and organization.

Effective training in these areas is scarce and is usually available only in high quality MBA programs or in major corporations. In this setting, the goal of Learn2Lead is to design, implement, and test a novel, online approach to training in team leadership, suitable for use in SMEs, small government offices, NGOs etc.

The training provided by Learn2Lead will be based on an online game. In the game, each learner manages a simulated team of employees (e.g. a team of workers in a bank agency, a post-office or a local government office) which competes against other teams to maximize its objectives (e.g. profit, volume of services delivered, customer satisfaction).

An underlying computer model will show the (sometimes unexpected) effects of player's decisions (e.g. recruitment, training, incentives and disciplinary measures, organizational measures) on the dynamics and efficiency of the team. The system will allow the user to experiment with different approaches before competing with other players.

(Visegrád Group, hereinafter V4) made in 2005 showed that community care is approximately at the same level in these countries and that there are no educational programmes that would efficiently prepare the workers in this area for their tasks. However, it is the area of health care which is given much attention in a number of developed countries due to its undoubtedly great social importance.

In the participating countries belonging to V4 there is a persistent problem that the whole health care system is touched very significantly: even though the health care system has as first aims helping people who already need a help of a doctor or a nurse, or promotion of preventive care programmes which are more widely discussed now, still, for many citizens health care is rather declaratory.

The goal of the project is to develop a programme of special education in community care using the modular system and to prepare the individual modules for the e-learning form of study, so that we might be prepared to educate the non-medical health care professionals in the most efficient way
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SINAPSI - interactive simulation for training individual soft skills - is the continuation of the SISINE Project.
SISINE: Teaching Negotiation Through a Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.
Trainers have used role-playing games to teach negotiation
skills for a long time. In traditional practice, learners in a small group “act out” the roles assigned by the trainer. The SISINE Project ( – funded by the EU Leonardo Program - has developed a teaching methodology making it possible to conduct this kind of role playing game at a distance.

The teaching methodology exploits a specially-developed technology platform allowing a small community of players to communicate, interact and play online. The current beta version supports up to twenty simultaneous players, represented by avatars.

Communication among players is based on short text messages displayed in bubble cartoons above the avatars' heads. Special controls allow players to control the avatars' movements, gestures and facial expressions. This way, the community can communicate, interact and play online.

The platform provides the normal functionality expected by players of Multiplayer On-line Role-Playing Games (MORPG) as well as special functions allowing a trainer to set up games, intervene during game play, record specific phases of a game, annotate recordings and discuss them with the players.
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The project is going to develop a methodology called "Job Circuit" (job rotation including teambuilding,
E-learning in 
Community Care 
The Way to 
Learn to Lead
information of employment, experience of changing jobs) based on a successful limited project developed and tested in Norway in 2004. The target groups of this project are VET school dropouts (early school leavers) and young unemployed people, 15 to 20 years old.

The project will develop a methodology for cooperation between the labour market (SME's), The education institutions and the social welfare structures creating possibilities for young people to find their way in life through guidance and cooperation.

The project will also have an eye on long-term unemployed young people between the ages of 20 and 25 who have not succeeded in finding either a job or education.

A range of public entities in collaboration with commerce and industry will design methods for guidance and vocational training in different firms over a period; job rotation.

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